
Title Sort descending Kind of infrastructure University Primary typology Application / Industrial sector
DJI Phantom 4 Pro Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Advanced data / calculation Cultural heritage
3D Metal Printer EOS M 100 Singular equipments Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) Modeling & simulation Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage
3D scanner Einscan pro 2X 2020 Singular equipments Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment
3D Touch 3D Printer Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
A.KRÜSS Abbe Refractometer Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Advanced microscopy Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Energy & environment, Health, Smart technologies, Space
Advanced microscopy - Confocal microscope Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Health
ADVANCED MICROSCOPY LABORATORY Singular equipments Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Imaging/microscopy Smart technologies
Advanced optical microscopy Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Energy & environment, Health
ÄKTA Avant 25 FPLC/HPLC system Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
ÄKTA Pure FPLC/HPLC system Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Analog modelling of geological deformation and rupture Singular equipments Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment
Analytical scale with 4 decimal places Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Analytical scale with 4 decimal places Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Analytical scale with 5 decimal places Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Analytical-semipreparative HPLC-MS, Acquity UPLC-QDa Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health, Smart technologies, Space
Animal facilities with breeding area and an experimentation area Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Animal housing Health
Anton Paar Microwave Reaction System Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Applied Biosystems 2720 Thermal Cycler (PCR) Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
ATD-GCMS Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Energy & environment, Health
Autoclave - high capacity steam sterilizer for infection Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Autoclave - medium / small capacity steam sterilizer for mediums of bacterial cultures Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Behavior simulation laboratory and educational robotics "Luciano Gallino" Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health, Smart technologies
Bench-top bioreactors Infors-HT, model Multifors Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Binocular Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Imaging/microscopy
Biomass & Waste Management Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Energy & environment, Smart technologies
Biopac MP36R Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Advanced data / calculation
Bioreactor Bioflo3000 (New Brunswick) connected to an Off-Gas CO2/O2 Analyzer Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Biosensor Biacore T200 Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
BIOSTAT PBR 2S Photo-bioreactor Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
BIOTEK LIONHEART FX Automated Microscope Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood
BIOTEK SYNERGY H1 Hybrid Multimode Reader Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Bitalino PsychoBIT Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Advanced data / calculation
Bridgman Crystal growing system Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment
Calcination furnace Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Calcination furnace Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Camera Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Audiovisual / multimedia production
Carnetsoft driving simulator for research and testing Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Social and Humanistic sciences Mobility & transportation
CBO5 determination apparatus (BOD TRAK II Apparatus for respirometric BOD determinations, with accessories; BOD Direct Standard door incubator) Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
CCO-Cr determination apparatus (spectral photometer DR 3900 VIS with RFID technology; LT200 thermostat with 1 heating block and accessories (support for 16 cuvettes, test cuvette CCO-Cr - 25 tests/package) Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Cell culture facilities fully equipped for primary cell cultures and cell lines, or tissues, from human and non-human origin Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Cell Culture Laboratory Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Health
Cell culture service and in vitro assays Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Cell factory Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Center for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage "La Venaria Reale" Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Cultural heritage
Center for Molecular & Preclinical Imaging, Italian Node MMMI (Multi-Modal Molecular Imaging) of the ERIC Euro-BioImaging Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Health
Center of Expertise (CoE) in Smart Transducers Services Beira Interior (UBI) Testing /metrology/ processes
Centrifuge with cooling for Eppendorf tubes Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Centrifuge with digital display Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
CENTRUL-DE-CERCETARE-CATM Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment
CESAR (Supercomputing Centre) Singular equipments Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Advanced data / calculation Agrifood, Health, Mobility & transportation
CHEF-DR® III System (BIORAD) / DCODETM Services Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Chemical analysis and material characterization Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health, Mobility & transportation, Smart technologies, Space
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SERVICE Platforms/Labs Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics
Circular dichroism system Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
Climatic room with lighting Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
CLOSER – Center for Laboratory Simulations and Experimental Research Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Advanced data / calculation Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Electromagnetic properties, Financial & banking, Health, Mobility & transportation, Smart technologies, Space
Cole Parmer MasterFlex Peristaltic Pump Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Confocal point-scanning microscope (Zeiss LSM 710) Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Imaging/microscopy Health
CONSORT Electrophoresis Power Supply Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Crop Protection Technology Lab Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Agrifood, Energy & environment, Health, Smart technologies
Cryostat Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Datalogger (temperature and humidity) Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Design, creation and audiovisual / multimedia modeling Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Audiovisual / multimedia production Cultural heritage, Health, Smart technologies
Development and testing of mechatronic equipment for agriculture 4.0 (Agricultural Mechatronics Laboratory) Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Energy & environment, Smart technologies
Differential Scanning Calorimeters Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment
Drone with accessories Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
EasyTom XL 150 Tomograph Singular equipments Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment
Edmund Bühler TH 15 Incubator Hood Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Electron microscopy ("G.Martra" Lab.) and X-ray techniques (SAX) Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health, Smart technologies, Space
Electronic microscope Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Energy & environment, Health, Smart technologies
Electronic microscopy and EDS microanalysis Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Mobility & transportation, Smart technologies, Space
Electroporator Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Elementary analyzers and spectrometer of isotopic mass Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment
EnsightTM automated multimode plate reader (PerkinElmer) Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Eppendorf Eporator Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Equipment for generating and monitoring a magnetic field Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Testing /metrology/ processes
Eschenbach stereomicroscope with reflected light, model 33263 Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Imaging/microscopy Cultural heritage
Euro EA - CHNSO Elemental Analyzer Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Experimental Cellar Bonafous Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage
Experimental Phonetics Laboratory Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Audiovisual / multimedia production Cultural heritage, Health, Smart technologies
Experimental setup for testing the PV power forecasting models Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Modeling & simulation Energy & environment
External laboratory: fertilization test of long period of Tetto Frati Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Animal housing Agrifood
FLIR camera Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Imaging/microscopy
Flow cytometer BD Accuri C6, equipped with a blue and red laser, two light scatter detectors, and four fluorescence detectors with optical filters optimized for the detection of FITC, PE, PerCP, and APC Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Flow cytometer BD FACS Calibur equipped with 488 nm and 635 nm lasers, capable of detecting up to four fluorescent signals Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Flow cytometry Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Energy & environment, Health
Flow microcalorimeter Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
Food Safety e Plant Biosecurity Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Energy & environment
Food Science and Technology Pilot Plant Singular equipments Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Testing /metrology/ processes Agrifood
Food Technology Laboratory "G. Nicola" Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Health
Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer Q Exactive + Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Energy & environment, Health
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectrometer Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
Freezer (- 86°C) Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Gas chromatography system coupled to mass spectrometry (Agilent 7000) Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
Gaschromatograph (Comprehensive GCxGC) - GC-QTOF mass spectrometer (high resolution) Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health
Gene Transfer and Mutagenesis Center Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Geneious Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Energy & environment
Genomic analysis platform Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Energy & environment, Health
Geomatics and Remote Sensing Laboratory Agro-Forestry (GEO4Agri Lab) Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Energy & environment, Smart technologies, Space
GEONICS EM31-MK2 Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Imaging/microscopy Electromagnetic properties
GeoTom MK8E1000 RES/IP/SP Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Imaging/microscopy Electromagnetic properties
Gerhardt Vapodest 20 Distillation system Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
GLASS BLOWING SERVICE Services Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Health
GP3 Eye Tracker Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Advanced data / calculation
GPR MALA ProEx Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Imaging/microscopy Cultural heritage
GPS Topcon Hiper V Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Advanced data / calculation Cultural heritage
Grainsize analyser Fritsch Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment
Heidolph Unimax 1010 Complete Incubator Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
HERMES - HPC infrastructure Singular equipments Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Advanced data / calculation Circular & Bioeconomy, Health, Smart technologies
Hettich Universal 320 Centrifuge/Hettich Mikro 22R Centrifuge Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
High Capacity Thermobalance Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment
High performance cloud systems for artificial intelligence and scientific computing Services Torino (UNITO) Advanced data / calculation Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage
High resolution echocardiography for small rodents Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Health
High voltage AC transformer Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Electromagnetic properties
High Voltage DC power supply Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Electromagnetic properties
High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) system with diode array, and fluorescence detectors Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) system with diode array, refraction index, electrochemical and coulometry detectors (Agilent 1260) Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
HORIBA Nanoparticle Analyzer Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
HST - Human Science and Technologies Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Agrifood, Cultural heritage, Financial & banking, Health, Mobility & transportation, Smart technologies
Hydrobiont Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
IKA ROTAVISC me-vi complete Viscometer Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
IMPLEN NanoPhotometer P300 Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
In vivo manipulation and behavioral analysis service - Housing of immunocompromised rodents in a dedicated ventilated cabinet Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Modeling & simulation Health
Insect breeding plants e aquaculture Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Animal housing Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy
INTERSCIENCE SCAN 300 Automated Colony Counter Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
King Fisher Duo Prime / Bead Beater Services Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Labconco Freeze Dryer Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Circular & Bioeconomy
Labocon Vertical Autoclave LVA-302-B Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Laboratory for research and experimentation of new assistive technologies for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) "S. Polin" Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Smart technologies
Laboratory for the application of the analysis radiomics to PET images (Tomography with Positron Emission) Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Health
Laboratory LACRIMA (Advanced Laboratory for Screening and Molecular Interactions of Aragon) Platforms/Labs Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Laboratory of Applied Network Science - LabNET Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Audiovisual / multimedia production Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Health, Smart technologies
Laboratory of meteorological stations urban and remote METEOLAB Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Testing /metrology/ processes Energy & environment, Health
Laboratory oven with forced ventilation Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Lange LUMIStox 300 Luminometer Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Large Capacity Refrigerated Centrifuge Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Laser ablation - ICPMS Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Energy & environment, Health
Laser ablation/LIBS unit Services Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage
Laser microdissector - Leica AS LMD 6500 Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health
Leica TCS-SP2 Confocal Microscope Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health
LINTAB 5: Tree-ring measurement table Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Cultural heritage
Lyophilization of biological samples (microorganisms) and their derivatives Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health, Smart technologies
Magnetichyperthermia Driver Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Electromagnetic properties
Magnetometer Geometrics G-858G Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Imaging/microscopy Cultural heritage
Malvern laser granulometer Singular equipments Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment
MARX 1MV Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Electromagnetic properties
Mass spectrometers Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health, Smart technologies
MATERIAL ELECTRON MICROSCOPY SERVICE Platforms/Labs Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Imaging/microscopy Cultural heritage
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization - MALDI Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood, Energy & environment, Health
Medium capacity refrigerator, temperature -20/-30 °C Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Memmert Standard Incubator Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Metallographic microscope Zeiss Axiotech 100 HD Singular equipments Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) Imaging/microscopy Energy & environment
METTLER TOLEDO Benchtop pH_ion meter Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Miele Professional G 7883 CD Washing Machine Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Mini Spray Dryer BÜCHI B-290 /Encapsulator BÜCHI B-395PRO / Mastersizer 3000E Services Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood
Moisture analyzer (thermobalance) Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Molecular characterization Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Health, Smart technologies
Motorized inverted widefield microscope (Axio Observer Z1 system) Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Imaging/microscopy Health
Multi-collector ICPMS Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Energy & environment
Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis LM 10 Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Testing /metrology/ processes Smart technologies
NanoSIMS Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Imaging/microscopy Agrifood, Energy & environment, Health
Network analyzer Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Advanced data / calculation
Neuroimaging center Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Health
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer Avance III 600 MHz with a QCI cryoprobe Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer Bruker Avance III 400 MHz Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Health
Nuclear Physics Laboratory Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Cultural heritage, Health, Smart technologies, Space
Nucleic Magnetic Resonance Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Nuve MN120 Microbiological Safety Hood Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
OPEN LAB DSV - CELL SORTER Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Health, Smart technologies
OPEN LAB DSV - Droplet Digital PCR MiSeq / Bio-plex 200 Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Health, Smart technologies
OPEN LAB DSV - High-Content Screening Platform / Confocal Microscope Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Imaging/microscopy Circular & Bioeconomy, Health, Smart technologies
OPEN LAB DSV - Mass Spectrometer MALDI-TOF Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Health, Smart technologies
Opentrons OT-2 Laboratory Pipetting Robot Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Organ bath setup to analyse artery contractility (Letica and AD Instruments) Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Organic synthesis Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Energy & environment, Health, Smart technologies
Oscilloscope and Sequential Oscilloscope Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Electromagnetic properties
Panalytical Diffractometer X'pert3 sur poudres DY5473 Singular equipments Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment
Patch-clamp setup (Axon Instruments) Platforms/Labs Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Performance & Audio Laboratory Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Audiovisual / multimedia production Cultural heritage, Mobility & transportation, Smart technologies
Photogrammetric analysis system Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Advanced data / calculation Cultural heritage
PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS SERVICE Platforms/Labs Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics
Plasma mass spectrometry inductively coupled (ICP-MS) Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques Agrifood, Energy & environment
Portable analyzer for determining the concentration of anthocyanins Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Portable Chlorophyll Content Analyzer (Fluorometer) Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Portable conductivity meter Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Portable laser analyzer (counter) of air particles Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Poultry breeding systems, tunnel and feed mill Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Animal housing Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy
PREPARATION OF ROCKS AND HARD MATERIALS SERVICE Services Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Cultural heritage, Energy & environment
Proflex PCR System / QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Instrument / QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Chip Loader Services Zaragoza (UNIZAR) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Programmable RLC meter for dielectric measurements Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Electromagnetic properties
Pulsed field gel eletrophoresis system Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Quanterix SR-X - SIMOA Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
RADWAG AS 82_220.R2 Analytical balance Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
RADWAG PS 1000.R2 Precision balance Platforms/Labs West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood
Real-Time PCR Systems (CFX Connect and iQ5) Singular equipments Beira Interior (UBI) Biology / genomics / proteomics Health
Refrigerator Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Refrigerator AK54240+ Singular equipments West Timisoara (UVT) Biology / genomics / proteomics
Regional Center of Castanicoltura of Piedmont Platforms/Labs Torino (UNITO) Biology / genomics / proteomics Agrifood, Circular & Bioeconomy, Cultural heritage, Energy & environment, Health
RMN 400 hz Singular equipments Pau and Pays de L'Adour (UPPA) Materials / solid state / nuclear physics Energy & environment