Center for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage "La Venaria Reale"

CCR "La Venaria Reale"
Kind of infrastructure
Torino (UNITO)
Application / Industrial sector
Cultural heritage
Description of equipment


- The Agreement between the University of Turin and Center of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage "La Venaria Reale" allows using the CCR lab facilities for both research and teaching activities. The skills of the University of Turin and CCR staff allow analytical investigations on most artistic materials (paintings, Stone material, fabrics, murals, etc.) and the study of their decay.

- The instrumentations available in the laboratories allow the characterization of organic (FTIR) and inorganic materials (FTIR, XRF, SEM-EDS, light microscopy) as well as the morphological study of surfaces; there are also skills in the field of biological degradation. 

- Research activities include the study of new restoration and intervention materials and new application methodologies for conservation. 

- The radio-tomographic apparatus is among the few in the world to allow tomography of large artistic objects such as statues or furniture. 

- The Center is also able to offer preventive conservation consultancy with environmental monitoring (temperature and humidity).

Center for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage "La Venaria Reale" and University of Torino (UNITO)
Equipment list
LAB-0171 Conservation and Restoration Center Laboratory
The CCR laboratory facilities include:
- Tomography and X-ray radiography of large objects
- VIS, NIR and UV imaging
- Minero-petrographic, transmitted/reflected optical microscopy with UV source and Peltier camera
- Stereomicroscopy with camera
- Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
- Portable XRF spectroscopy
- Variable pressure SEM with EDS microanalysis
- Fiber optics reflectance spectroscopy (FORS)
- Portable video microscopy
Price list
Rates are defined according to specific requests.
Possibility of on-site measurements
The CCR laboratories are reserved for internal staff only, but they also carry out diagnostic services for third part activities; further information at the web link listed above.
Other relevant information
Daniele Castelli -
Federica Pozzi -
Person name
Daniele Castelli and Federica Pozzi