- Bruker Avance 7T MRI scanner equipped for micro-imaging
Avance 7 T NMR spectrometer equipped with several probes for micro-imaging, for recording high resolution MRI images in vitro and in vivo (mice). Cardiac and respiratory gating. Tunable also for heteronuclei (¹⁹F and ¹³C).
- Aspect M2 1T MRI Scanner
Compact 1T MR Imager used for in vitro and in vivo imaging of small rodents. Equipped with systems for gas anesthesia, monitoring of vital functions and respiratory gating. Coils dedicated for internal animal or head imaging. Resolution up to 100 µm. One of the two instruments present is installed in the enclosure and dedicated to the study of immunocompromised animals. Also tunable for ¹³C.
- Bruker ICON 1T MRI Scanner
MRI system with permanent magnet for in vitro and in vivo imaging of small rodents, equipped with systems for gas anesthesia, monitoring of vital functions and respiratory gating. Coils dedicated for internal animal or head imaging. Optimal range for paramagnetic diagnostic agents and good spatial resolution up to 100 µm.
- Bruker Biospec 3T MRI Scanner
Horizontal MRI scanner with 18 cm bore and motorized bed, suitable for in vivo studies on mice and rats and small rabbits. The system is equipped with systems for gas anesthesia, monitoring of vital functions and respiratory gating. It is also equipped with two transmission and surface coils for brain and cardiac imaging of small and large animals. Also tunable for the ¹³C.
- Bruker Pharmascan 7T MRI Scanner
Horizontal MRI scanner with 16 cm bore for routine experiments on small rodents (mice and rats). Equipment: gas anesthesia, monitoring of vital functions and respiratory gating, 70mm and 40mm volumetric coils.
- Perkin Elmer IVIS Spectrum optical imager
Optical fluorescence and bioluminescence scanner for in vivo imaging. High throughput (5 mice) with 23 cm fi eld of view. Resolution up to 20 microns with 3.9 cm fi eld of view. 28 high ef fi ciency fi lters 430 - 850 nm. 3D tomographic reconstruction in both fluorescence and bioluminescence.
- MILabs VECTor6CT PET / SPECT / CT scanner (operational from 2021)
Preclinical trimodal scanner with 3D rendering. Simultaneous PET / SPECT co-registration using the same pinhole collimator. High resolution collimator (1.5 mm 18F-PET, 1.3 mm 99mTc SPECT) for mice and rats (diameter 98 mm). Detection and multi-isotope analysis PET. Micro-CT with low radiation dose and minimum 30 micron isotropic voxel.
- Ultrasound / Photoacoustic Imager Visualsonics VEVO LAZR
Photoacoustic scanner with multiple wavelengths for multispectral scans (680-970 nm). 2D and 3D co-registration of photoacoustic and anatomical images. Photoacoustic scanner integrated with the VEVO 2100 US scanner for the registration of the ultrasound morphological background. Real time imaging of deep tissues (max 1 cm). Two different transducers (13-24 MHz with an axial resolution of 75 microns, and 32-55 MHz with an axial resolution of 44 microns).
- Aspect M2 1T MRI Scanner
- Bruker ICON 1T MRI Scanner
- Bruker Biospec 3T MRI Scanner
- Bruker Pharmascan 7T MRI Scanner
- Perkin Elmer IVIS Spectrum optical imager
- MILabs VECTor6CT PET / SPECT / CT scanner (operational from 2021)
- Ultrasound / Photoacoustic Imager Visualsonics VEVO LAZR
- In vitro imaging (phantoms, cells, organic and inorganic materials) and in vivo imaging on small animals (mice, rats).
- Design, synthesis and testing of new probes for the different imaging modalities
- Parametric evaluations by imaging (mapping of pH, pO2, etc.)
- Monitoring of therapeutic treatments on animal models using multi-modal imaging
- In vivo distribution studies of tracers and contrast agents
- Image analysis; cellular and animal models
- Ancillary services such as histology, microscopy, cell cultures, etc.
Direct access with request to the staff of the Center or to the Euro-BioImaging portal. In the second case, a 20% discount is applied on the hourly cost of the instruments. The methods of accessing the Euro-BioImaging infrastructure are available on www.mmmi.unito.it
Center of Molecular Imaging: enzo.terreno@unito.it
Center of Preclinical Imaging: martina.capozza@unito.it
MMMI Euro-BioImaging Node: mmmi-node@unito.it
Simonetta Geninatti: simonetta.geninatti@unito.it
Dario Longo: dario.longo@unito.it