- Innovative processes for the purification of waste water, air and contaminated soils; development technology, characterization and control
- Analysis of food and products of alteration and / or contamination
- Cultural heritage diagnostics: provenance studies, authentication, alteration
- Characterization of environmental matrices and study of environmental processes
- Studies of the transformation processes of pollutants in air, water and soil
- Environmental modeling
- Quality control and statistical models applied to the management of analytical problems
- Sustainability assessment of materials and processes of environmental interest
- Study of residual biomass enhancement processes
- Forensic and clinical analyzes
- Characterization of complex mixtures of technological interest (fuels, oils, food matrices, formulations, etc.)
- Development and characterization of materials for energy applications (batteries,solar energy conversion)
- Study and development of materials for tribological applications
- Complex industrial problems
- Chemical analyzes by internal operators
- Training of operators on specific analytical techniques and methods
- Advice on the indicated applications
Thin film and nanomaterial characterization techniques (ellipsometry, spectroscopy, AFM)
Electrochemical characterization techniques (materials, corrosion, batteries)
Organic and inorganic elemental analysis techniques
Isotope ratio mass spectrometry