The analytical-semipreparative HPLC-MS system is managed by the FractionLynx browser which can:
- Automate the sample purification process
- Check the collection of fractions
- Track the samples, their fractions and the data associated with them
- Allows triggering and fraction collection using the two types of MS and UV detection simultaneously, reliably
- Allows the purification of complex mixtures, the isolation and identification of different samples
The ACQUITY UPLC-QDa system allows:
- Separations on a nano to micro scale
- Analysis of compounds present in limited quantities or availability even in the presence of complex matrices
- Analysis of natural and synthetic small organic molecules
- Analysis of peptides and / or metabolites
- Pharmacokinetic studies of bioactive compounds
The analytical / semipreparative HPLC system is coupled to a single quadrupole mass spectrometer (mass range 20-2000 m / z) and PDA detector
LAB-0087 Autosampler and automatic fraction collector
The autosampler and the automatic fraction collector optimize the development of analytical methods and / or the purification of compounds
LAB-0088 UPLC-QDa Acquity System
The Acquity UPLC-QDa system is also coupled to a single quadrupole mass spectrometer (mass range 20-1250 m / z) and variable wavelength UV detector.
UPLC technology uses columns with particle diameter <2μm, this allows for a much higher chromatographic resolution than conventional HPLC technology, with very fast analysis times and higher sensitivity