Kind of infrastructure
Torino (UNITO)
Application / Industrial sector
Energy & environment
Smart technologies
Department of Neuroscience "Rita Levi Montalcini"
Equipment list
LAB-0062 Leica TCS SP5 Confocal Microscope
- Microscope: Leica DM6000CS
- High-efficiency SP detection AOBS (Acousto-Optical Beam Splitter)
- Laser: VIS Argon, 65mW, 488nm - HeNe, 1mW; 543nm - HeNe, 10mW, 633nm - UV: Diode, 50mW, 405nm
- 3 standard photomultipliers and 1 high sensitivity detector (Hybrid GaAsP detector)
- Objectives: 20x / 0.50 (dry), 20x / 0.75 (oil), 40x / 1.25 (oil), 63x / 1.40 (oil)
- Filters: RT 30/70; Substrate; TD 488/543/633; DD 458/514; RSP 500; DD 488/543
- Leica LAS AF software
LAB-0063 Nikon C1 Confocal Microscope
- D-Eclipse C1si digital microscope
- Spectral detection unit
- Laser: Multiline Argon Laser 488nm, He Ne 543nm, He Ne 640nm, Violet diode 408nm
- Objectives: 10x / 0.30 (dry), 20x / 0.50 (dry), 40x / 1.0 (oil), 60x / 1.4 (oil)
LAB-0064 Tools / software for morphometric analysis and stereological counts
Station 1
- Nikon Eclipse E600 microscope
- MBF High Resolution Color Camera
- Objectives: 2X-4X-10X-20X-40X-100X
- Filters: DAPI, Green (Cy2, Alexa488), Red (Cy3)
- Imaging Software: Neurolucida and Neurolucida Explorer, Stereoinvestigator
- Dell High Performance Imaging Workstation
Station 2
- Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope
- Color digital camera 3/4 ""CCD chip, 1.92 MP, 1600H x 1200V pixel
- 2-Megapixel Color Imaging Camera Microfire (1600x1200)
- Objectives: 4X-10X-20X-40X-60X-100Xoil
- Filters: DAPI, Green (Cy2, Alexa488), Red (Cy3), Dark Red
- Imaging Software: Neurolucida and Neurolucida Explorer, Neurolucida360
Station 3
- Neurolucida Explorer software (No connection / motorized stage control or camera)
- Software to analyze previously acquired data (Mapping, Neuron Tracing, 3D
Serial Section Reconstruction, Morphometry and Image Analysis)
- Imaris software, a platform dedicated to the reconstruction, manipulation and 3D volumetric analysis of previously acquired datasets
LAB-0065 Nikon A1RMP 2 photon microscope
- Nikon High-speed multiphoton confocal microscope A1RMP
- Motorized stage (Scientific) with adapters for in vivo, ex-vivo and in vitro imaging
- Scanning system: galvano scanner and resonant scanner for high speed acquisition
- Objectives: CFI60 Planfluor 10x A.N.0,3 d.l. 16mm; CFI75 LWD 16xW NIR A.N. 0,80 d.l.
3.0mm; CFI75 LWD Apo 25xW A.N. 1.1 d.l. 2.0mm; CFI60 Apo 40xW NIR A.N. 0,80 d.l. 3.5mm
- Detector 4 Ch GaAsP NDD detector with high sensitivity
LAB-0066 Axioscan Scanning Microscope "- Colibri 7 illuminator, R [G / Y] CBV-UV
- Camera Sets Hitachi HV-F203 and Orca Flash 4.0 V3
- Objectives: ""Fluar"" 5x / 0.25 M27, ""Plan-Apochromat"" 10x / 0.45 M27, ""Plan-Apochromat"" 20x / 0.8 M27, ""Plan-Apochromat"" 40x / 0.95 M27
- Filters: 56/90/91/92 HE LED, filter set 108 HE LED, 38 HE eGFP without shift, 43 HE Cy3 without shift, 96 HE
- 25 Trays x4 26x76mm slides; 5 Trays x2 52x76mm slides; 1 Tray x1 102x76mm slide
- Computer: Intel Xeon Gold 6134 Processor (hp Z6) Zeiss 60A Premium Workstation
- Workstation: High End ZEISS 55A R2; Zen 2.6 Hardware desk; n. 4 Memories 32GB (2x16) DDR4-2133 (Z840); NVIDIA Quadro M6000 24GB D video card
LAB-0067 Light sheet microscope
- Andor Zyla 5.5 sCMOS Camera
- Infinity Corrected Optics Setup
- Objectives: 4X and 12X (organic solvent dipping objective lens)
- Laser: 488-85, 561-100, 639-70
- Workstation for the management and analysis of 3D images, conducted with IMARIS software
LAB-0068 Workstation
- High End ZEISS 55A R2; Zen 2.6 Hardware desk;
- n. 4 Memories 32GB (2x16) DDR4-2133 (Z840);
- NVIDIA Quadro M6000 24GB D video card
- Microscope: Leica DM6000CS
- High-efficiency SP detection AOBS (Acousto-Optical Beam Splitter)
- Laser: VIS Argon, 65mW, 488nm - HeNe, 1mW; 543nm - HeNe, 10mW, 633nm - UV: Diode, 50mW, 405nm
- 3 standard photomultipliers and 1 high sensitivity detector (Hybrid GaAsP detector)
- Objectives: 20x / 0.50 (dry), 20x / 0.75 (oil), 40x / 1.25 (oil), 63x / 1.40 (oil)
- Filters: RT 30/70; Substrate; TD 488/543/633; DD 458/514; RSP 500; DD 488/543
- Leica LAS AF software
LAB-0063 Nikon C1 Confocal Microscope
- D-Eclipse C1si digital microscope
- Spectral detection unit
- Laser: Multiline Argon Laser 488nm, He Ne 543nm, He Ne 640nm, Violet diode 408nm
- Objectives: 10x / 0.30 (dry), 20x / 0.50 (dry), 40x / 1.0 (oil), 60x / 1.4 (oil)
LAB-0064 Tools / software for morphometric analysis and stereological counts
Station 1
- Nikon Eclipse E600 microscope
- MBF High Resolution Color Camera
- Objectives: 2X-4X-10X-20X-40X-100X
- Filters: DAPI, Green (Cy2, Alexa488), Red (Cy3)
- Imaging Software: Neurolucida and Neurolucida Explorer, Stereoinvestigator
- Dell High Performance Imaging Workstation
Station 2
- Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope
- Color digital camera 3/4 ""CCD chip, 1.92 MP, 1600H x 1200V pixel
- 2-Megapixel Color Imaging Camera Microfire (1600x1200)
- Objectives: 4X-10X-20X-40X-60X-100Xoil
- Filters: DAPI, Green (Cy2, Alexa488), Red (Cy3), Dark Red
- Imaging Software: Neurolucida and Neurolucida Explorer, Neurolucida360
Station 3
- Neurolucida Explorer software (No connection / motorized stage control or camera)
- Software to analyze previously acquired data (Mapping, Neuron Tracing, 3D
Serial Section Reconstruction, Morphometry and Image Analysis)
- Imaris software, a platform dedicated to the reconstruction, manipulation and 3D volumetric analysis of previously acquired datasets
LAB-0065 Nikon A1RMP 2 photon microscope
- Nikon High-speed multiphoton confocal microscope A1RMP
- Motorized stage (Scientific) with adapters for in vivo, ex-vivo and in vitro imaging
- Scanning system: galvano scanner and resonant scanner for high speed acquisition
- Objectives: CFI60 Planfluor 10x A.N.0,3 d.l. 16mm; CFI75 LWD 16xW NIR A.N. 0,80 d.l.
3.0mm; CFI75 LWD Apo 25xW A.N. 1.1 d.l. 2.0mm; CFI60 Apo 40xW NIR A.N. 0,80 d.l. 3.5mm
- Detector 4 Ch GaAsP NDD detector with high sensitivity
LAB-0066 Axioscan Scanning Microscope "- Colibri 7 illuminator, R [G / Y] CBV-UV
- Camera Sets Hitachi HV-F203 and Orca Flash 4.0 V3
- Objectives: ""Fluar"" 5x / 0.25 M27, ""Plan-Apochromat"" 10x / 0.45 M27, ""Plan-Apochromat"" 20x / 0.8 M27, ""Plan-Apochromat"" 40x / 0.95 M27
- Filters: 56/90/91/92 HE LED, filter set 108 HE LED, 38 HE eGFP without shift, 43 HE Cy3 without shift, 96 HE
- 25 Trays x4 26x76mm slides; 5 Trays x2 52x76mm slides; 1 Tray x1 102x76mm slide
- Computer: Intel Xeon Gold 6134 Processor (hp Z6) Zeiss 60A Premium Workstation
- Workstation: High End ZEISS 55A R2; Zen 2.6 Hardware desk; n. 4 Memories 32GB (2x16) DDR4-2133 (Z840); NVIDIA Quadro M6000 24GB D video card
LAB-0067 Light sheet microscope
- Andor Zyla 5.5 sCMOS Camera
- Infinity Corrected Optics Setup
- Objectives: 4X and 12X (organic solvent dipping objective lens)
- Laser: 488-85, 561-100, 639-70
- Workstation for the management and analysis of 3D images, conducted with IMARIS software
LAB-0068 Workstation
- High End ZEISS 55A R2; Zen 2.6 Hardware desk;
- n. 4 Memories 32GB (2x16) DDR4-2133 (Z840);
- NVIDIA Quadro M6000 24GB D video card
Available measurements
- Confocal scanning imaging (Leica TCS SP5 and NIKON C1)
- Confocal, multi-photon microscopy, deep sample perimaging and in vivo acquisitions (Nikon A1RMP)
- Rapid sequential acquisitions of fluorophores with minimal bleed-through or cross-talk
- Possibility of performing morphometric analyzes and stereological counts, even in a
automated (Neurolucida, StereoInvestigator, Neurolucida360, Imaris)
- Consultancy on experimental design and data processing and training of new users
- Technical assistance
- Acquisition of multicolored images and 3D rendering on the confocal microscope
- Advice on advanced optical and confocal microscopy techniques"
- Confocal scanning imaging (Leica TCS SP5 and NIKON C1)
- Confocal, multi-photon microscopy, deep sample perimaging and in vivo acquisitions (Nikon A1RMP)
- Rapid sequential acquisitions of fluorophores with minimal bleed-through or cross-talk
- Possibility of performing morphometric analyzes and stereological counts, even in a
automated (Neurolucida, StereoInvestigator, Neurolucida360, Imaris)
- Consultancy on experimental design and data processing and training of new users
- Technical assistance
- Acquisition of multicolored images and 3D rendering on the confocal microscope
- Advice on advanced optical and confocal microscopy techniques"
Price list
Rates are defined according to specific requests.
Possibility of on-site measurements
It is possible to access the infrastructure by reservation, accompanied by authorized staff, and / or send samples for analysis (without directly accessing the structure). The technical feasibility of the request is evaluated and the experiments.
Other relevant information
Other contacts:
Marina Maria Boido: marina.boido@unito.it
Serena Bovetti: serena.bovetti@unito.it
Maria Lo Grande: maria.logrande@unito.it
Marina Maria Boido: marina.boido@unito.it
Serena Bovetti: serena.bovetti@unito.it
Maria Lo Grande: maria.logrande@unito.it
Person name
Enrica BODA