- Meteorological database of pressure, humidity, radiation, direction and speed of the wind, temperature, rain covering the last 29 years;
- Data of pressure, humidity, radiation, wind direction and speed, temperature, rain usable on the web in real-time;
- Ad hoc weather forecasts. They are currently provided free on the web for the Piedmontese regional territory up to a maximum deadline of 5 days, with updates that are normally made from Monday to Friday;
- Meteorological modeling with the WRF model (Weather Research and Forecasting):
a) analysis of past events or forecast of future events, mainly on Piedmontese territory;
b)real-time maps of dozens of meteorological quantities, for the Italian north-west, both on the ground and at high altitude. They are updated, normally, 4 times a day, all days of the year and available on the web for free, upon registration.
- Meteorological consultancy
Meteorological shed located on the roof of the building that houses the Department of Physics (via Pietro Giuria 1, 10125 Turin), complete with:
• Thermo-hygrometer for measuring the air temperature, mod. Vaisala HMP155A,
consisting of a PT100 platinum resistance thermometer, range –80 ° C ÷ +60 ° C,
accuracy ± 0.3 ° C;
• Thermo-hygrometer for measuring relative humidity, mod. Vaisala HMP155A, consisting of a hygrometer with a capacitive thin-film polymer sensor (HUMI CAP®180R), range 0 ÷ 100%, accuracy ± 1 ÷ 2%;
• Tachio-anemometer for measuring wind speed, mod. MTX VVE020C, composed of a three-cup reel, range 0.2 m / s ÷ 50 m / s, precision <± 0.75 m / s;
• Gonio-anemometer for measuring the direction of origin of the wind, mod. MTX VDI030C, consisting of wind vane, range 0 ÷ 360 °, precision ≤ ± 3 °;
• Barometer for measuring atmospheric pressure, mod. SETRA 270, composed from capacitive sensor, range 800 hPa ÷ 1100 hPa, accuracy <± 0.55 hPa;
• Rain gauge for measuring cumulative rainfall, mod. MTX PPI030C consisting of tilting tray, range 0 ÷ 51 mm, precision <± 0.2 mm;
• Solarimeter for measuring global solar radiation, mod. EPPLEY PSP composed from thermopile, range 0 ÷ 2800 W / m² (in the spectral band between 0.285 and 2.8 µm), precision ± 1% of reading;
• Microbarometer for measuring differential atmospheric pressure, mod. SETRA239 consisting of capacitive sensor, range –70 ÷ 70 Pa, precision ± 0.1 Pa
LAB-0160 Housing box
• Acquisition of meteorological sensors (Campbell CR1000);
• Campbell acquisition system of a weather station (Vaisala WXT520) installed at the department by the scientific partner Fondazione Osservatorio Meteorological Milan Duomo;
• Linet systems lightning sensor acquisition system
(https://www.nowcast.de/en/solutions/linet-systems/) hosted following a partnership agreement with our laboratory;
• Radioactivity sensor acquisition system (Ludlum Measurements, Inc., Model 44-20, Low Energy Gamma Detector);
• 3 Sonic Anemometers (GILL Ultrsonic Anemometer Resarch Unit Model 1012R2) available for measurement campaigns relating mainly to quantity flows of motion and heat in the turbulence
LAB-0161 Laboratory on the first floor of the new building
- calibration and testing of sensors, measuring instruments, acquisition systems, processing systems;
- any repairs to all computer and sensor hardware;
- development of the acquisition and processing software;
- data processing and analysis;
- design and development of the web interface, with free access, of the acquired data, processed and archived.