Kind of infrastructure
Torino (UNITO)
Application / Industrial sector
Circular & Bioeconomy
Energy & environment
Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences
Equipment list
Leica SP5 inverted confocal microscope with multiphoton laser:
- 7 excitation laser lines (405, 458, 477, 488, 514, 561, 633).
- 2-photon Tunable Chameleon Ultra 2 laser (680-1080 nm).
- conventional and resonant (8000 Hz) scanners.
- 3 PMTs fluorescence detectors and 2 high sensitivity hybrid GaAsP detectors (HyDs).
- Objectives: 20x / 0,5 dry, 20x / 0,75 imm., 40x / 1,25 oil, 63x / 1,4 oil, 63x / 1,3 glyc.
- Environmental chamber for live cells.
- Motorized xy-stage for imaging multiple areas per dish.
- Leica LAS AF matrix for multiple acquisitions/ multicontent imaging
Leica SP8 inverted confocal microscope:
- 7 excitation laser lines: 458, 477, 488, 496, 514, 561, 633 nm.
- 2 PMTs fluorescence detectors and 2 high sensitivity hybrid GaAsP detectors (HyDs).
- AOBS based system.
- Objectives: 20x / 0,5 dry, 40x / 1,25 oil, 63x / 1,4 oil.
- Auto Focus Control.
- LAS_X Leica confocal software with 3D/4D reconstruction module.
- 7 excitation laser lines (405, 458, 477, 488, 514, 561, 633).
- 2-photon Tunable Chameleon Ultra 2 laser (680-1080 nm).
- conventional and resonant (8000 Hz) scanners.
- 3 PMTs fluorescence detectors and 2 high sensitivity hybrid GaAsP detectors (HyDs).
- Objectives: 20x / 0,5 dry, 20x / 0,75 imm., 40x / 1,25 oil, 63x / 1,4 oil, 63x / 1,3 glyc.
- Environmental chamber for live cells.
- Motorized xy-stage for imaging multiple areas per dish.
- Leica LAS AF matrix for multiple acquisitions/ multicontent imaging
Leica SP8 inverted confocal microscope:
- 7 excitation laser lines: 458, 477, 488, 496, 514, 561, 633 nm.
- 2 PMTs fluorescence detectors and 2 high sensitivity hybrid GaAsP detectors (HyDs).
- AOBS based system.
- Objectives: 20x / 0,5 dry, 40x / 1,25 oil, 63x / 1,4 oil.
- Auto Focus Control.
- LAS_X Leica confocal software with 3D/4D reconstruction module.
Available measurements
- High sensitivity point scan confocal imaging on live or fixed specimens
- Multiphoton confocal microscopy
- 3D z-stacks, live imaging (also multi-position), mosaic reconstruction of large samples
- Analysis of protein dynamics in live cells by FRAP / FLIP / Photoactivation
- Analysis of interactions by FRET
- High Content Screening (HCS)
- High sensitivity point scan confocal imaging on live or fixed specimens
- Multiphoton confocal microscopy
- 3D z-stacks, live imaging (also multi-position), mosaic reconstruction of large samples
- Analysis of protein dynamics in live cells by FRAP / FLIP / Photoactivation
- Analysis of interactions by FRET
- High Content Screening (HCS)
Price list
Rates are defined according to specific requests.
Possibility of on-site measurements
It is possible to access the infrastructure by reservation, accompanied by authorized staff, and / or send samples for analysis (without directly accessing the structure). The technical feasibility of the request is evaluated and the experiments.
Person name
Marta GAI