- Assistance in the design, prototyping and testing, also in the field, of mechatronic components and systems for agricultural and food industry machinery
- Systems for assistance in the design and simulation of mechatronic systems in the context of agriculture 4.0
- Development and testing of innovative algorithms for data processing coming from multi / hyper spectral, thermographic, Lidar sensors; 3D modeling of targets and scenarios in agriculture using optical and / or multispectral photogrammetry
- Performace measurements on conventional and traction / drive agricultural machineselectric
- Development and testing of systems for the automatic identification of food products via RFID technology; development and testing of anti-counterfeiting systems
4 Datalogger DataTaker D65, Delta Instruments
NI Compact DAQ Controller NIcDAQ-9132, with NI9220, NI9222, NI9411 cards,
NI9862, NI9375
NI FieldPoint RealTime with 8 thermocouple modules (8 channels per module), I / O modules
analog digital
HOBO systems, for measurements of temperature, relative humidity, on / off motors and contacts,
ADAM datalogger for thermocouples
LAB-0203 Systems for the acquisition of mechanical stresses
Frame for three point hitch on ASABE S278.7 standard (ISO11001-1: 1993)
2 Torque gauges for cardan joint (full scale 1500 and 3000 Nm)
3 biaxial dynamometric pins cat.3 (capacity 10000 kg for each axis)
LAB-0204 Optical thermography
AVIO TVS500E thermal imaging camera
Variable optics infrared thermometer and OpTris laser pointer
LAB-0205 Systems for electronic prototyping
Tektronix TDS2002 digital oscilloscope
Instek GDM-8245 Bench Digital Multimeter; Fluke handheld digital multimeter
Soldering Station (Weller)
Hot air soldering / desoldering station for SMD components
Development systems on Arduino, ST Nucleo, Raspberry microcontrollers
3 laboratory power supplies; inverter and charger
LAB-0206 Systems for mechanical prototyping
Complete mechanical workshop
Mechanical machine tools (lathe, milling machine, pillar drill, band miter saw, disc miter saw for wood)
LAB-0207 Automatic identification systems with RFID technology
CAEN R4300P UHF Reader
CAEN linear and circular polarization antennas
System for automatically determining the minimum RFID reading power
Reader and antennas for reading LF, HF and UHF systems
LAB-0208 Software for development, calculation and simulation
Matlab R2019a (OS version)
Agisoft PhotoScan
NI LabView 2017
COMSOL Multiphysics® 5.4 (OS version)
LAB-0209 Other instruments
- ACCULAB SVI-100E scale, capacity 100 kg, resolution 0.002 kg
- Refrigerator and freezer for storing food samples
- Box for image acquisition, with controlled lighting, for control quality of food products; Nikon D5100 camera
- Electric steam generator with production capacity 0.5 kg / h
- Electric vehicle for agricultural use, 4WD, for housing equipment for the field testing, capacity 600kg
Davide Ricauda: davide.ricauda@unito.it
Cristina Tortia: cristina.tortia@unito.it