Kind of infrastructure
West Timisoara (UVT)
Circular Economy and Environment
Application / Industrial sector
Description of equipment
Lionheart FX Automated Microscope is manufactured by BioTek Instruments. This product is a complete set of microscope system, which is optimized for living cell imaging. It can obtain air and oil immersion magnification up to 100 times, with bright field, color bright field, phase contrast and fluorescence channel. The unique environmental control cover can hatch at 40 °C and effectively control CO2/O2. The available humidity chamber and reagent injection port add a higher level of environmental optimization to the living cell imaging workflow. New Gen5™ 3.0 software makes endpoint, montage and dynamic image capture fast and effortless. Built in annotation tool in Gen5™ 3.0 provides convenient and real-time image marking. The fifth Gen5™ 3.0 provides basic to advanced image analysis to meet the requirements of a wide range of real-time and fixed cell applications.
Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography
Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories, Department of Biology-Chemistry
Lionheart FX is designed for easy implementation of a broad range of fixed and live cell assay workflows (cell migration and invasion assays, live cell imaging, immunofluorescence, phenotypic assays, histology, high resolution microscopy).
Compatible software for data processing / analysis, high-quality monitor and high-quality computer processor
The equipment can be operated only by the trained persons from the WUT.
Equipment list
Lionheart FX Automated Microscope unit, Gen5 Image PRIME compatible software, PHASE Objectives - for Lionheart FX, other accessories (filter and LED cubes). See details at
Available measurements
Capturing spectacular images, z-stacks, montages and time lapse sequence
Sample preparation
No further costs are involved
Deployment of the results
Gen5 Image stores results in its database; you can print a report at any time.
Approximate time for the results
Depending of the analysis required (1-2 weeks).
Price list
160000 euro for the Lionheart Automated Microscope unit only
Monday to Friday 20 €/h
Possibility of on-site measurements
On-site only (in the lab)