Kind of infrastructure
Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques
Torino (UNITO)
Application / Industrial sector
Circular & Bioeconomy
Cultural heritage
Energy & environment
Smart technologies
Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences
Equipment list
LAB-0097 Orbitrap Fusion open-access MS spectrometer (Thermo Scientific)
- High resolution HRMS spectrometer with tribride geometry (ion trap, quadrupole, orbital trap) interfaced with double HPLC separation system (LC and nanoLC with online cartridge reconcentration Thermo Ultimate 3000) and ionization sources
- Electrospray and Nanospray with CID mode (collision induced dissociation), HCD (Higher-energy collisional dissociation) and ETD (electron transfer dissociation)
LAB-0098 Sistemi LC-MS
The laboratory is equipped with 3 other liquid chromatography systems coupled to mass spectrometry for analysis of organic compounds and biological fluids:
- Thermo Scientific Ultimate 3000 LTQ-Orbitrap: hybrid instrument for multistage analysis (MSn) with high resolving power, with ESI (Electrospray) and APCI (Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization) sources. Additional UV-DAD detector (spectrophotometric diode array detector)
- Agilent Varian 212-LC-320-MS: Triple quadrupole instrument for tandem analysis (MS2), with ESI-APCI sources and additional Varian Prostar spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric detectors
- Shimadzu Nexera - Sciex 5500 Qtrap: quadrupole / ion trap instrument for tandem analysis (MS2), with turbo ion spray sources
LAB-0100 ICP/MS Thermo-Fisher ICAP-Q
- The tool allows fast multi-element analyzes in low and medium resolution
- The range of masses that can be analyzed goes from 5 to 260 Dalton
- ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) ionization for metal analysis
- High resolution HRMS spectrometer with tribride geometry (ion trap, quadrupole, orbital trap) interfaced with double HPLC separation system (LC and nanoLC with online cartridge reconcentration Thermo Ultimate 3000) and ionization sources
- Electrospray and Nanospray with CID mode (collision induced dissociation), HCD (Higher-energy collisional dissociation) and ETD (electron transfer dissociation)
LAB-0098 Sistemi LC-MS
The laboratory is equipped with 3 other liquid chromatography systems coupled to mass spectrometry for analysis of organic compounds and biological fluids:
- Thermo Scientific Ultimate 3000 LTQ-Orbitrap: hybrid instrument for multistage analysis (MSn) with high resolving power, with ESI (Electrospray) and APCI (Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization) sources. Additional UV-DAD detector (spectrophotometric diode array detector)
- Agilent Varian 212-LC-320-MS: Triple quadrupole instrument for tandem analysis (MS2), with ESI-APCI sources and additional Varian Prostar spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric detectors
- Shimadzu Nexera - Sciex 5500 Qtrap: quadrupole / ion trap instrument for tandem analysis (MS2), with turbo ion spray sources
LAB-0100 ICP/MS Thermo-Fisher ICAP-Q
- The tool allows fast multi-element analyzes in low and medium resolution
- The range of masses that can be analyzed goes from 5 to 260 Dalton
- ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) ionization for metal analysis
Available measurements
- LC ESI HRMS proteomic analysis with MS tandem study
- Molecular and structural characterization of organic compounds, drugs, metabolites, peptides, proteins and other macromolecules, synthetic crude oils, blends etc.
- GCMS and ICPMS characterization of samples with volatile and metallic analytes
- Full LCMS analysis (both micro and nano-liquid chromatography)
- LC ESI HRMS proteomic analysis with MS tandem study
- Molecular and structural characterization of organic compounds, drugs, metabolites, peptides, proteins and other macromolecules, synthetic crude oils, blends etc.
- GCMS and ICPMS characterization of samples with volatile and metallic analytes
- Full LCMS analysis (both micro and nano-liquid chromatography)
Price list
It is possible to access the infrastructure by reservation, accompanied by authorized staff, and / or send samples for analysis (without directly accessing the structure). The technical feasibility of the request is evaluated and the experiments. Rates are defined according to specific requests.
Person name
Claudio MEDANA