Kind of infrastructure
Elementary, molecular and isotopic characterization / separative techniques
Torino (UNITO)
Application / Industrial sector
Circular & Bioeconomy
Energy & environment
Smart technologies
Department of Chemistry
Equipment list
LAB-0143 Special synthetic techniques
2 Biotage Initiator microwave reactors (scale 0.1 ml - 20 ml)
LAB-0144 Chromatographs for analytical / preparative separation
- 3 MPLC (Medium Pressure Liquid Chromatography) Biotage chromatographs
preparations (scale 50 mg-10 g)
- Analytical HPLC with UV Diode Array detector (Shimadzu VP with detector
Diode Array YL9160)
- Preparative HPLC with UV-Vis detector FRC-10A fraction collector (Shimadzu)
- Semi-preparative HPLC for separations of chiral compounds (Waters 1525,
detector Diode Array 2998)
- 4 GC Systems (2 Perkin Elmer Autosystems, 1 Hewlett Packard 5890, Thermo
Finnigan TraceGC)
LAB-0145 Characterization instruments and spectrophotometers
- Polarimeter (JASCO P-2200)
- UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 1750)
- FT-IR spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 8400 with ATR accessory)
- Static spectrofluorimeter (Perkin Elmer 65B)
LAB-0146 Mass spectrometers
- 3 GC-MS systems (2 Thermo Finnigan, one with 1 Agilent solids introduction unit
6890N GC with MS 5973N Detector)
- 1 LC-MS system based on ESI or APCI interface (Thermo Fisher Scientific
LCQ Advantage Max)
LAB-0147 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- NMR spectrometer JEOL ECZR FT-600 Spectrometer (600 MHz) with
30 position autosampler
- It has 3 distinct probes for multinuclear measurements on liquid or solid samples, performing all the one-dimensional and two-dimensional techniques for the determination of structure of organic molecules and diffusion techniques
2 Biotage Initiator microwave reactors (scale 0.1 ml - 20 ml)
LAB-0144 Chromatographs for analytical / preparative separation
- 3 MPLC (Medium Pressure Liquid Chromatography) Biotage chromatographs
preparations (scale 50 mg-10 g)
- Analytical HPLC with UV Diode Array detector (Shimadzu VP with detector
Diode Array YL9160)
- Preparative HPLC with UV-Vis detector FRC-10A fraction collector (Shimadzu)
- Semi-preparative HPLC for separations of chiral compounds (Waters 1525,
detector Diode Array 2998)
- 4 GC Systems (2 Perkin Elmer Autosystems, 1 Hewlett Packard 5890, Thermo
Finnigan TraceGC)
LAB-0145 Characterization instruments and spectrophotometers
- Polarimeter (JASCO P-2200)
- UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 1750)
- FT-IR spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 8400 with ATR accessory)
- Static spectrofluorimeter (Perkin Elmer 65B)
LAB-0146 Mass spectrometers
- 3 GC-MS systems (2 Thermo Finnigan, one with 1 Agilent solids introduction unit
6890N GC with MS 5973N Detector)
- 1 LC-MS system based on ESI or APCI interface (Thermo Fisher Scientific
LCQ Advantage Max)
LAB-0147 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- NMR spectrometer JEOL ECZR FT-600 Spectrometer (600 MHz) with
30 position autosampler
- It has 3 distinct probes for multinuclear measurements on liquid or solid samples, performing all the one-dimensional and two-dimensional techniques for the determination of structure of organic molecules and diffusion techniques
Available measurements
The Organic Chemistry Groups of the Chemistry Department offer the following opportunity: analysis and separation of mixtures, molecular characterization and structural of organic compounds. In particular:
- Synthesis in environment and controlled conditions (inert gas, anhydrous conditions)
- Synthesis of fluorophores, surfactants, materials / organic compounds for photovoltaics, natural organic compounds and their derivatives
- Optimization of synthesis conditions, even in "Green" conditions through the use of DES (Deep Euthectic Solvents) and / or micellar systems
- Complete structural characterization of organic compounds (multinuclear NMR, UV-Vis, Fluorescence and FT-IR, Polarimetry, Mass Spectrometry)
The Organic Chemistry Groups of the Chemistry Department offer the following opportunity: analysis and separation of mixtures, molecular characterization and structural of organic compounds. In particular:
- Synthesis in environment and controlled conditions (inert gas, anhydrous conditions)
- Synthesis of fluorophores, surfactants, materials / organic compounds for photovoltaics, natural organic compounds and their derivatives
- Optimization of synthesis conditions, even in "Green" conditions through the use of DES (Deep Euthectic Solvents) and / or micellar systems
- Complete structural characterization of organic compounds (multinuclear NMR, UV-Vis, Fluorescence and FT-IR, Polarimetry, Mass Spectrometry)
Price list
It is possible to access the infrastructure by reservation, accompanied by authorized staff, and / or send samples for analysis (without directly accessing the structure). The technical feasibility of the request is evaluated and the experiments. Rates are defined according to specific requests.
Other relevant information
Other contacts:
Guido Viscardi: guido.viscardi@unito.it
Guido Viscardi: guido.viscardi@unito.it
Person name
Cristina PRANDI