The objective of this service is to characterize materials by means of X-ray techniques, obtaining information on the crystalline structure of a material, its component elements, position and distance between atoms. The service has a staff of two technicians.
X-ray techniques are non-destructive, which allows the characterization of materials and their recovery without suffering any deterioration. These techniques are oriented both to the investigation of new materials and to companies interested in determining the quality of their products.
The single crystal X-ray diffraction technique is applied to crystalline samples of organic, inorganic and organometallic products, providing information to a very wide range of fields and disciplines and being a basic technique in research. Through single crystal X-ray diffraction, solid-state structural characterization of small molecules, as well as low molecular mass proteins, is possible. Likewise, the equipment allows evaluating the crystallinity of a sample and orienting it with respect to a system of reference axes.
The X-ray diffraction technique of powder samples makes it possible to determine the crystalline compounds present in a sample and, in the case of new compounds, its structure can be studied and determined. Structural changes as a function of temperature can also be studied.
Elemental analysis by X-ray fluorescence allows us to determine the elements present in the sample. It can be carried out both in solid samples (tablet, powder, sheet, etc.) and in liquid samples and in a qualitative or quantitative way.
RIGAKU D/max 2500
Analysis of X-ray fluorescence