The Laboratory is actively engaged and carries out analyzes / measurements in the following areas:
- Studies on virus-cell interactions
- Research and development of antiviral molecules with focus on herpesvirus, papillomavirus, rotavirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and zikavirus
- Research and development of innovative formulations based on nanocarriers with antiviral purposes
- Ethnomedicine and phytomedicine
- Antiviral properties of human milk and colostrum
The services provided by VIRMOLLAB are the following:
- Support services for advanced certification (tests and laboratory tests aimed at certification path (eg. Bioburden)
- Experimental design consultancy
- Performing in vitro antiviral assays
- Carrying out cytotoxicity and cell viability assays
- Consultancy for the quantitative analysis of the data obtained
The Laboratory of Molecular Virology and Antiviral Research has laboratories for one total of about 90 square meters for the cultivation and maintenance of human pathogens up to a Biosafety Level (BSL) 2. In addition, it shares with the Pathology Research Group, a room dedicated to cell cultures and two other rooms intended to accommodate incubators for a total of about 30 square meters. In addition to the usual counter equipment (incubators, hoods etc.), the Laboratory has access to a number of large ones state-of-the-art equipment, which is part of the other research infrastructures
of the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences.